Ehime Tourism and Products Museum(Ehime-Egao-no-KankoBussannkan)

Ehime's product and tourism information dissemination base
This facility displays and sells local specialty products and provides information on sightseeing in the prefecture.
The museum has two sections: a sales area for local products (featuring famous confections, local sake, folk crafts, processed marine products, agricultural and livestock products, etc.) and a sightseeing information area (with tourist information brochures and guide maps for various regions in Ehime Prefecture). The “Faucet” is a famous tourist attraction in Ehime Prefecture.
Don't miss the “Mikan juice that comes out of the faucet” in the product sales area.

Located near the Matsuyama Castle ropeway station, it is an easy stop for visitors.
Address 〒790-0004 愛媛県松山市大街道3-6-1 岡崎産業ビル1F
Telephone Number 089-961-4501
Business Hours9:00-18:00
Days Closed for BusinessYear-end and New Year holidays (December 31-January 2)
PriceMikan juice that comes out of the faucet 100 yen per glass (9:00-17:00)
DirectionsFrom Matsuyama Airport]
Approx. 30 min. by car
Approx. 30 minutes by limousine bus bound for Dogo Onsen Eki-mae*.
*Get off at “Okaido” and walk for 5 minutes.
From Matsuyama-City Station]
6 minutes from Matsuyama City Station by local train bound for Dogo Onsen (Dogo Hot Spring) or Circular Route Okaido*.
*Get off at “Okaido” and walk for 5 minutes.
From Matsuyama Kanko Port]
Approx. 30 min. by car
Approx. 30 min. by “Dogo Onsen Ekimae” limousine bus*
*Get off at “Okaido” and walk for 5 minutes.
From JR Matsuyama Station]
Approx. 10 min. by city train bound for Dogo Onsen*
*Get off at "Okaido" and walk for 5 minutes.
Website Website
Remarksa sales area for local products area]
sweets, agricultural and livestock products, processed marine products, folk crafts, local sake, and goods (Mikyan goods, Barrie-san goods, etc.)
a sightseeing information area]
Pamphlets for each city and town in Ehime Prefecture are available