Mt. Otaki

Embark on a spiritual mountain hike in Kochi
Located in the nature rich village of Hidaka and south of the Kusaka River, Mt. Otaki is a 247-meter tall mountain where followers of shugendo used to train. Shugendo is a unique Japanese religion that combines elements of numerous beliefs, including Shintoism and Buddhism, and primarily focuses on mountains as places of worship. Followers of Shugendo typically go on ascetic mountain pilgrimages to find spiritual rebirth through nature. Gokokuji Temple, located about a 15-minutes walk from JR Okabana Station, still reveres the mountain as a place of spiritual importance.

Today, you can experience Mt. Otaki’s spiritual history with a mountain hike led by a Gokokuji Temple monk. With an English-speaking monk as your guide, journey through the mountainside and open your senses to the lush environment.

Aside from its religious significance, Mt. Otaki also makes for a beautiful hike and features lovely views of nature near its summit.
Address 高知県高岡郡日高村
Telephone Number 0889-24-7244
Directions15 mins walk from JR Okabana Station on the Dosan Line
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