In Kochi Prefecture, there are many attractive gourmet foods.
One of the most famous is "Katsuo no Tataki (seared bonito)".
As a soul food that represents Kochi prefecture, it is loved by many Kochi residents.
Kochi used to be the largest bonito catcher and consumer in Japan, so you can eat bonito all year round.

Experience making authentic seared bonito in the Kuroshio town of Saga, which boasts one of the largest bonito catches in the prefecture.
Under the direct guidance of fishermen, you will be able to slice a whole bonito from the beginning and grill it on straw.
At the Katsuo Fureai Center Kuroshio Ichibankan, you can enjoy bonito tataki (seared) or sashimi (fresh), and set meals such as bonito gyoza.
Dining and souvenirs