Mitani Sugar Hane Sanuki Honpo Co., Ltd. (Production and sales of Wasanbon Sugar)

Sanuki Wasanbon sugar is a traditional industry in Higashikagawa City.
Mitani Sugar Hane Sanuki Honpo Co., Ltd. has been in business since the Edo period, and continues to preserve the manufacturing process that has been in use since the Edo period.
The raw material, locally grown sugarcane, is squeezed and boiled to produce “Hakushita Sugar.
The sugar is then ground on a tray and pressurized to remove the nectar, resulting in pure white Wasanbon sugar.
Please try the refined sweetness and smooth texture of this time-consuming Wasanbon sugar.
Address 〒769-2902 香川県東かがわ市馬宿156-8
Telephone Number 0879-33-2224
Business Hours9:00-18:00
Days Closed for BusinessJanuary 1 - January 3
Website Website