Michi-no-Eki Kurukuru Naruto

Michi no Eki Kurukuru Naruto, located in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, is a hands-on food theme park that opened in April 2022. Not only can visitors enjoy gourmet foods and sweets made from fresh Naruto ingredients such as Naruto kintoki and lotus root, but there are also a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy, such as farming experiences and zip-lining.
The concept is “when everyone comes around and smiles. It offers a space and experience that will bring smiles to the faces of locals and tourists alike.
Address 〒772-0042 徳島県鳴門市大津町備前島字蟹田の越338-1
Telephone Number 088-685-9696
Business Hours9:00 - 17:00
Days Closed for BusinessOpen all year round
Parking152 cars for standard-sized vehicles
15 large vehicles
Roof for pregnant women with disabilities / 3 cars
EV charging / 1 car
Word-of-mouth Reviews (TripAdvisor)