Rest stop "Roadside Station" Yoshiumi Iki-iki kan

道の駅 よしうみいきいき館
Taste Oshima's seafood with a view of the Kurushima Straits
Located at the foot of the Oshima side of the Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge, this roadside station is an ideal rest stop along the Shimanami Kaido. Visitors can enjoy a relaxing seafood barbecue over a charcoal grill while gazing at the Seto Inland Sea stretching out before them. In addition, the restaurant offers a menu of fresh seafood and locally produced ingredients, and the store sells a variety of vegetables, fresh fish, and specialties from the island, as well as a full lineup of souvenirs. Visitors are welcomed by a huge fish tank in the center of the restaurant, where sea bream, flatfish, and other fish swim peacefully.
Address 愛媛県今治市吉海町名4520-2
Telephone Number 0897-84-3710
Business Hours9:00-17:00([Restaurant and barbecue] 10:00-16:00)
Days Closed for BusinessNew Year's Day
Website Website
RemarksFor inquiries about bicycle rentals, please call
0848-22-3911(Shimanami Japan Incorporated Association)