Mikyan Park Baisinji , Ehime's popular mascot"Mikyan"-themed cafes

A base for disseminating citrus produced in Ehime Prefecture
A complex facility with a processing factory, sales corner, and café for citrus fruits produced in Ehime Prefecture.
On the first floor, visitors can observe the processing of mandarin oranges and try making mikan (mandarin orange) juice from a faucet.
At the café on the 2nd floor, visitors can enjoy drinks and sweets made from mandarin oranges produced in Ehime Prefecture.
Mandarin orange processing plant (open to visitors) , Mikan (mandarin orange) juice from a faucet , Sales Corner
Cafe , Veranda (observation space)
Address 〒791-8082 愛媛県松山市梅津寺町1374-1
Telephone Number 089-992-9898
Business Hours9:30-16:30
*Subject to change during the summer months.
Days Closed for BusinessMonday
Directions1 minute walk from Baisinji Station on the Iyo Tetsu Takahama-Yokogawara Line
Website Website