Oku-Iya Double Vine Bridge

TIt is said that the Heike Clan built this bridge to access the riding grounds of Heike. There are two bridges, the Man Bridge and the Woman Bridge, together called the Wedded Bridge. Beside the Woman Bridge, you can experience riding a human-powered lift, yaen, and cross the valley by hauling on a rope.
Address 徳島県三好市東祖谷名頃
Telephone Number 0120-404-344
Business Hours8:00 - 16:00
Days Closed for BusinessDec. – Mar.
PriceAdult: 500 yen
DirectionsTake the Shikoku Kotsu Bus "Kubo-iki (for Kubo)" at JR Awa-Ikeda Sta. Change to city bus (approx. 2 hrs 30 mins). Get off at the bus stop "Kazurabashi" then walk for 1 minute.
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Website 「Oku-Iya Cab Plan 6 Hours Course」