Niyodo Blue

Niyodo Blue is a mysterious color born from the miraculously clear Niyodo River. It was named by the photographer Nobuyuki Takahashi, who was entranced by its beauty while taking a series of scenic shots.

A flow of cobalt blue, transparent down to the riverbed...
Deep blue waterfall basins that drink deeply of the clear waters...
Beautiful azure pools, like spills of ink on the landscape...

The river holds many distinct natural colors over its 124km in length, owing to differences in the environment, the position of the sun, and the changing of the seasons. Its beauty has become well-known in recent years, and visitors continue to increase by the year. Its popularity is partially due to the convenience of access from nearby Kochi City. Please see for yourself the mysterious blues created by the Niyodo River and its tributaries, which have continuously ranked number 1 in Japan for water quality.
What to See & Do
Address 高知県仁淀川町〜越知町〜佐川町〜日高村〜いの町〜土佐市
Telephone Number 0889-20-9511
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