Sakamoto Ryoma Remembrance Day Memorial Hall

A remembrance of Ryoma's path of secession from the feudal domain
This memorial museum was built to commemorate the first step Ryoma took here on March 26, 1862, when he risked his life for the birth of modern Japan and began his journey.
On the second floor, there are photos and videos showing the various mountain passes and valleys in the Kawabe area where Ryoma is said to have passed through, allowing visitors to trace the route he took to leave the domain.
Address 愛媛県大洲市河辺町三嶋1912
Telephone Number 0893-39-2211
Business Hours9:00-17:00
Days Closed for Business2nd and 4th Mondays (or the following day if the Monday is a national holiday) / Year-end and New Year holidays (12/30 - 1/3)
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