Southern Orchard Nyuz

南の果樹園 ニュウズ
From Ikata Town! Department store of citrus fruits
This direct sales shop mainly sells citrus fruits produced by the company.
In the store, citrus fruits grown with great care by the staff are displayed at their best time of the year, and visitors can choose from a selection of citrus fruits while tasting them.
In addition, the store offers original vanilla-based ice cream that can be mixed with three of the approximately 15 varieties of citrus fruits, 100% fruit juice, and other tastes unique to Ehime Prefecture, the mandarin orange kingdom.
Address 愛媛県西宇和郡伊方町河内1448-1
Telephone Number 0894-38-2165
Business Hours9:00-17:00
Days Closed for BusinessTuesdays, Year-end and New Year holidays
Website Website