Anagami Cave Ruins (Anagami limestone Cave)

A limestone cave that makes you feel otherworldly. You can easily experience it.
This is a limestone cave within the Anagami Cave Ruins, a Jomon Period site located in Shirokawa Town, and was discovered by local residents in 1969.
The cave is about 75 m long and 8 to 10 m high, and is well maintained so that visitors can look around the cave in peace, making it an attractive place to casually explore the cave.
The caves offer a mysterious sight that was formed over many years.
The stalagmites, which grow like bamboo shoots due to the accumulation of water drops falling from the tips of the stalactites, and the stone pillars connected to the stalactites and stalagmites, are breathtaking. 
Address 愛媛県西予市城川町川津南3723
Telephone Number 0894-83-1001
Business Hours9:00ー17:00
Days Closed for BusinessYear-end and New Year holidays (12/29 - 1/3)
PriceAdults (high school students and older) 200 yen / Children (elementary and junior high school students) 100 yen
Directions60 minutes by car from the Seiyo-uwa IC of the Matsuyama Expressway
Website Website
RemarksReservations required for tours.
Reservations to.
Takagawa Community Development Activity Center: 0894-83-1001