Odamiyama Gorge

The Odamiyama Gorge is home to broadleaf forests and a rich variety of animals and plants. It is known for the "Seven Wonders of Miyama," which include the mysterious "Shirinashi River" that has water upstream but none at its mouth, and the "Miyama Couple Autumn Leaves," where a single tree turns red on three sides. The area is popular among visitors throughout the four seasons, especially in autumn when the valley's trees turn yellow and red, offering a spectacular view. A leisurely stroll along the promenade, listening to the gentle flow of the river and breathing in the fresh mountain air, is a wonderful way to appreciate the beauty of nature.
Address 愛媛県喜多郡内子町小田深山
Telephone Number 0892-52-3111
DirectionsCar: 105 minutes from Matsuyama Station