Kamobe River Hydrangea Dream Road

A famous hydrangea spot created and protected by the local people.
You can enjoy approximately 150 hon hydrangeas from early June to early July.
Please enjoy the colorful hydrangeas.
While enjoying the hydrangeas, it is recommended to take a leisurely walk along the riverside to the nearby Zouda Hachimangu Shrine.

The hydrangeas along "Kamobe River Hydrangea Dream Road" were planted in 2000 by local elementary school students.
(The hydrangeas were planted by sharing them from Awai Shrine, which is famous for its hydrangeas.)
The local people continue to water and care for the hydrangeas, and have received awards from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

Train: 10 minutes on foot from JR Zouda Station
Car: Approx. 10 minutes by car from the Shido IC on the Takamatsu Expressway (parking in the vicinity: none)

■Awai Shrine