Ozu Castle

Although the castle tower was regrettably torn down in 1888, the four turrets were saved from demolition and are designated as National Important Cultural Properties of Japan. The wooden structure was restored in 2004.
For more information about Castle Stay, click here (external website).

Visitors to Ozu Castle can stay overnight in the restored wooden castle keep, the first castle stay experience in Japan.
In the castle keep, you can spend an unprecedented luxurious time while enjoying the history of Ozu, the townscape, Iyo's nature, and food.

Even if you do not stay at the castle, you can enjoy lodging, meals, and various tours in the castle town, which has revitalized the good old days of Ozu, while remembering the historical buildings, including registered tangible cultural properties, and their respective stories.
Click here for details (external site)

These efforts to preserve and revitalize the castle town, cultural assets, and old houses were ranked first in the Green Destinations Top 100 Stories 2022 (Top 100 sustainable tourism destinations in the world in 2022) by Green Destinations, an international certification organization for tourism (headquartered in the Netherlands). (Top 100 Sustainable Tourism Destinations in the World in 2022)" by Green Destinations (headquartered in the Netherlands), an international certification organization for tourism.
For more information
”Enhancing local participatory platforms, to preserve an ebbing community and its built heritage”
”Preservation and revitalization of cultural assets in the castle town of Ozu.”
Address 愛媛県大洲市大洲903
Telephone Number 0893-24-1146