Ancient ”Yamashiro(mountain castle)” Yashima Castle

It is a mountain castle built by Emperor Nakano-o'eno(Historical figures known to all Japanese) in preparation for the invasion of the Tang Dynasty and Silla Dynasty, and stretching from Tsushima and Kyushu to the coast of the Seto Inland Sea.
It is an ancient mountain castle that made the best use of the precipitous cliffs, and about 90% of the castle walls are natural cliffs.
The powerful masonry and the view of Takamatsu city center are worth seeing. The view from the Nishi-one Observatory is also recommended.
Address 香川県高松市屋島東町屋島山上
Telephone Number 087-823-2714
DirectionsCar : Take Yashima Skyway to the top of the mountain. Approximately 10-15 minutes on foot from the parking lot.
Bus: Shuttle bus available from JR Yashima Station or Kotoden Yashima Station to the top of Yashima Mountain (100 yen one way) about once an hour
Walk: Approx. 50 min. on foot from Kotoden Katamoto Station.
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