Kengo Kuma-designed buildings

Architect Kengo Kuma's large-scale wooden structure can be seen in Yusuhara. Kengo Kuma is also known for his involvement in the design of the National Stadium, which was used as the main stadium for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (to be held in summer 2021).

Kumo-no-Ue-no-Hotel Annex: Marche Yusuhara Machinoeki Yusuhara
Completed in 2010, this facility combines a hotel with just fifteen rooms and a market selling local products. It is a representation of the spiritual culture of the tea room as well as the area’s leading role in the Meiji Restoration.
Address:1196-1 Yusuhara, Yusuhara Town
Access:About 60 mins by car from Susaki-chuo IC

Kumo-no-Ue-no Gallery Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum
Completed in 2010, the two buildings (the hotel and the gallery) separate by a road are joined by this building in the shape of a bridge.
Address: 3799-3 Tarogawa, Yusuhara Town
Access:About 80 mins by car from Kochi IC
About 70 mins by bus from JR Susaki Station (get off at Yusuhara)

Yusuhara Town General Administration Building
Completed in 2006, reflecting the town’s history of forestry industry and the environment, this has been designed as a twon base for interacting with others in an area that sees high levels of snow and rain.
Address: 1444-1 Yusuhara, Yusuhara Town
Access:About 60 mins by car from Susaki-chuo IC

Kumo-no-Ue-no Hotel Yusuhara Town Regional Exchange Facility
Completed in 1994, located at what might be called the entrance to the town. You can enjoy hot springs here.
Address: 3799-3 Tarogawa, Yusuhara Town
Access:About 80 mins by car from Kochi IC
About 70 mins by bus from JR Susaki Station (get off at Yusuhara)
Culture and Art
Address 高知県高岡郡梼原町太郎川3799-3
Telephone Number 0889-65-1100
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