Tobe Town Ceramic Art Creation Center(砥部町陶芸創作館)

It conveys the joy of creating Tobe pottery.
This facility offers three hands-on courses to experience the joy of creating Tobe Pottery.
There is the “Painting Experience,” in which visitors can choose from a variety of pottery to paint or write their favorite words on, the “Pottery Shaping Experience (Wheel-throwing Experience),” in which visitors can use an electric potter to create their favorite shape, and the “Hand-bineri Experience (Twisting Shaping Experience),” in which they can push and pinch clay or shape it by hitting it into a mold with a wooden spatula.
Address 愛媛県伊予郡砥部町五本松82
Telephone Number 089-962-6145
Business Hours9:00-17:00 (admission until 16:00)
Days Closed for BusinessThursdays (or the following day if Thursday is a national holiday) / Year-end and New Year holidays (12/29 - 1/3)
Price[Painting Experience] 300 yen - 4,500 yen
[Hand-bineri Experience (Twisting Shaping Experience)] 2,000 yen and up *Reservations required
[Pottery Shaping Experience (Wheel-throwing Experience)] 2,000 yen and up *Reservations required.
Word-of-mouth Reviews (TripAdvisor)
Website Website
RemarksIt takes about 2 to 3 weeks to be ready for baking. We will contact you by phone as soon as the baked goods are ready.
If you wish to have them mailed to you, you will need to pay for the postage separately.
*Confirmation of supported languages is required.